You’ve almost found it
The Ancient Master’s Long, Lost Word
If you’re a Master Mason, you know that something is missing in your Masonic experience.
For non-Masons, Entered Apprentices, and Fellowcraft, let us just say that no story is ever complete. Until you join the Royal Arch Masons, where many, many questions are answered. Even some questions that you probably do not even realize are unanswered.
Royal Arch Freemasonry provides an opportunity for Master Masons desiring further light to explore some of the deeper mysteries of the Craft. The four capitular degrees, in all of which candidates take an active part, are truly some of the most profound and impressive in Freemasonry. The work of a chapter is very closely related to that of the craft lodge, and the Freemason finds a warm and comfortable home in a safe and sacred retreat in the chapter. The degrees afford historical and philosophical background on the work and meaning of Freemasonry.
The supreme degree of Holy Royal Arch Mason, as the culmination of the capitular degrees, is the climax of Ancient Craft Freemasonry and Masonic symbolism. It is described as “the root and marrow of Freemasonry.” It is during this degree ritual that the greatest treasure of a Freemason is brought to light: the long lost Master’s Word.
The value of Royal Arch Freemasonry will be appreciated by all who are exalted to that most supreme degree, particularly by those who are seeking to complete their Masonic education. It reveals the full light of Ancient Craft Freemasonry, presents it as a complete system in accordance with the original plan, and justly entitles you to truly claim the noble name of Master Mason.
Want to learn more? Maybe find a local Chapter and speak with some of the members? Are you still traveling through the Lodge degrees but want to get prepared for that next step? Or are you not yet a Mason and are thinking of beginning your lifelong journey?
Complete the form below and we’ll help you find your way.