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Photo of Brian C. Lewis

Brian C. Lewis

Excellent Grand Royal Arch Captain

Home 6 Woodview Dr Pittsboro IN 46167-9503

Cell Phone: (317) 445-2843

Anniversary: November 18, 2017
Birthday: April 21, 1980


Brian Lewis is a Certified Association Executive & a Certified Volunteer Administrator with Raybourn Group International, where he serves as the Executive Director for a couple of small staff clients. Freemasonry is what led him to discover his interest in Association Management over 20 years ago when he was an Officer at Calvin W. Prather Lodge #717, where he served as Master in 2004.

Brian is a member of the Prather York Rite Bodies, where he served as High Priest in 2005 & 2010, Illustrious Master in 2006, Commandery in 2007, and has been serving as the Secretary / Recorder since 2015. He is also a member of the Indianapolis ASSR, where he served as Sovereign Prince from 2010-2012 and was crowned a 33rd Degree in Indianapolis in 2015.

Brian has enjoyed participating in several appendant bodies, including the Allied Masonic Degrees (Sovereign Master of Thespian Council #464 in 2010 & Secretary of Prather Council #510 since 2012), Prather Council #510 Knight Masons (Excellent Chief in 2023), St James Conclave Red Cross of Constantine (Viceroy in 2023), Governor of Isley York Rite College in 2016-2017, and Charter Secretary of Canterbury Chapel #37 St. Thomas of Acon starting in 2022. He is also a member of Robert A. Woods Priory Knight of York Cross of Honour and Gennesaret Tabernacle Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests. In 2021 he took over as the Editor of the Red Book Indiana York Rite Leadership Directory.

Brian served the Grand Chapter as a Royal Arch Deputy from 2006-2007, Grand Master of the 2nd Veil from 2007-2010, and Assistant Grand Lecturer from 2010-2011. He also enjoyed the opportunity of serving at the Grand Lodge as the Assistant Grand Lecturer from 2017-2018.

Brian is fascinated by the subject of volunteer management and has presented on topics such as “Six Takeaways for Better Volunteer Management” & “Success with Managing Volunteers” at events such as the Annual Conventions for the Indiana Society of Association Executives and the American Society of Association Executives.

Brian and his wife Amanda have one daughter Eleanor who was born right at the beginning of Covid and kept them quite busy during the lockdown.

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