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Marty Evens , PGHP
Right Excellent Grand Treasurer
Cell Phone: 765-721-7800cell
Work Email: INTERNET
Personal Email: INTERNET
Birthday: June 27, 1951 Birthday - Marty Evens PGHP 19510627000000
Anniversary: April 9, 2005 Anniversary - Marty Evens PGHP 20050409000000
Martin Allen Evens was born June 27, 1951 on the Army Base Camp Polk, Leesville, Louisiana to Morris A. and Vera J. Evens both deceased. Marty married Mary Jane Schilling on April 9, 2005 and they have three children and six grandchildren. They are members of the Rockville United Methodist Church.
Marty graduated in the last class of Bainbridge High School in 1969. He attended Ball State University. He returned to operate the family precast concrete business which has been in operation for 55 years. He has also served as President of the Indiana Burial Vault Association.
- Marty was raised a Master Mason on November 19, 1976 in Morton Lodge #469.
- He served as Worshipful Master 5 times and has served as Secretary for 17 years.
- Serving as Vice Chairman of Credentials Committee for Grand Lodge F&AM
- He is a member of the Terre Haute Valley of Scottish Rite
- A member of Murat Shrine and Putnam County Shrine Club serving as President in 1982
- Greencastle York Rite Bodies
- Robert Woods Priory, #62 Knight York Cross of Honor, Past Prior
- Banks of the Wabash York Rite College #72, Past Governor
- Cloverdale Chapter #369 Order of Eastern Star serving as Worthy Patron 17 times
- Edward C. Etchison Council AMD
- Terre Haute Preceptory #6 Yeoman of York
- Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest, St Andrew Tabernacle #35
- Red Cross of Constantine, St. Basil Conclave
- He received the Order of the Purple Cross in 2010
- Indiana Chapter 1845 UD Chapter serving as Secretary
- General Grand Chapter RAM International, Ambassador for Indiana.
- He was appointed Grand Guard in 2008-2009 and served as RARA Executive Officer.
- He was elected Excellent Royal Arch Captain 2010-2011.
- Served as Most Excellent Grand High Priest 2015-16.
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- Lady: Mary Jane